Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

The reason pilots are not allowed to ‘open their mouth’ when flying a plane

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec3,2023 #allowed #reason
The reason pilots are not allowed to 'open their mouth' when flying a plane 1
The reason pilots are not allowed to 'open their mouth' when flying a plane 1

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued regulations applicable to all airlines prohibiting the captain and co-pilot from talking to each other when the plane is lower than 3,000 m, Sun reported on May 20.

Also at this `golden` time, flight attendants are not allowed to contact the cockpit and pilots, no matter how hungry they are, are not allowed to eat.

This rule is otherwise known as the Sterile Cockpit Rule.

The reason pilots are not allowed to 'open their mouth' when flying a plane

Strange rule on airplanes: pilots are not allowed to ‘gossip’ (another title: Reasons why pilots are not allowed to ‘gossip’

The pilot’s beautiful landing on the snow.

This rule was created after the horrific 1974 crash of Eastern Air Lines, which claimed the lives of 72 people.

Initially, the accident was blamed on weather reasons, because at that time there was dense fog.

Later, the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) discovered that during the landing process, the flight attendants and pilots were engrossed in `gossiping`.

`The accident occurred 100% due to human error. Their awareness and cockpit discipline were too poor,` the above NTSB representative admitted.

7 years after that accident, the US decided to introduce the Sterile Cockpit Rule because of concerns that flight crews were becoming more comfortable and close while working.

However, a question is: So if an emergency situation, threatening flight safety, occurs on the plane at an altitude lower than 3,000 m, can the flight attendant notify the captain?

In 1995, a dangerous situation occurred when a flight attendant saw a passenger intentionally open the door right as the plane took off.

The FAA later determined that in some cases, flight attendants still have the right to break the rules.

To avoid incidents, Japanese airlines have listed a number of cases in which flight attendants have the right to notify the captain, at any time and at any altitude.

Mr. Minh

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